Thursday 13 October 2016

Question :-Can Fe 500D be used instead of Fe 415?
Ans:-yes, absolutely. But the question is, does the structure need Fe 500D in place of Fe 415. The answer to this question relates directly to the combination of live load, dead load, seismic/wind/water load as per the load combinations in the standard codes of the region. Of course, Fe 500D is much more ductile (and thus, is safer during earthquakes) and absorbs more amount of plastic energy than Fe 415 rebars [1] but the question keeps coming back to whether Fe 415 needs to be replaced (well, not literally) for the structure or not.
If the site area lies in high seismic zones or the structure is meant to have heavy dead loads (e.g. vehicle storage etc.) it would be advisable to go for higher grade of steel, but otherwise if a lower grade of steel matches with the requirements. Fe 500D would actually be an expensive option in that scenario.
There are many other grades of steel in market these days, most popular being TATA Tiscon products including TATA Tiscon SD (Super Ductile), Fe 600 [2], and Tiscon CRSD (Corrosion Resistance Steel) [3]. The TATA Tiscon SD rebars possess tremendous capacity to absorb seismic energy even beyond the yield limits thus protecting the structures.
Given the population rise and future expansion of structures, it is advised to opt for higher grade steel in construction of buildings.

concrete grades and its ratio (cement sand aggregate)

3D stairs

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